Friday, August 1, 2008

Quick Update

I'm in Birmingham this weekend with Helen visiting my grandparents. While our trip was intended just for them, I made some pitstops on the way. Not only did we get to see my grandparents (on my dads side), we also got to to see my mom and stepdad for an hour or so, as well as, my GREAT WONDERFUL FANTASTIC friend Kim. She met me half way for a quick visit at the Summit. I love spontaneity....especially when it turns out to be a blast! Helen didn't want to leave her Grammy and Papa, but I know it made their day to get to see her for just a few minutes. The same for me and Kim. I didn't want to go so soon, but she's coming out to visit us this month, so I guess it was enough to tie us over until then!

On a different note....I have a universal question for any parent reading:

Did you ever say to yourself and/or your spouse prior to children,
"I'll never do/get/buy/have __________ when we have children! That's just ridiculous!" and months or years down the road, find yourself doing that very thing?!

Well my friends, I have and it happened this week....we got a DVD system in the car! Of course, this isn't the only "I'll never" statement that I've retracted, but this is a big one for me. I vividly remember telling someone (dont remember who and on several occasions) how insane I thought it was to put a TV in a car to keep a child occupied. But now I see the genius in it and while I tuck my tail and bow my head in shame, I perk up knowing that on long trips, my child is happy and entertained and Atlanta traffic doesn't seem quite as stressful anymore!

Please share your "I'll never"-s with me!


Nancy Hood said...

"I'll never say 'this hurts me more than it hurts you'" and I did say it. Too many times :/ Also said I'd never ever slap a child of mine in the face, but I slapped Jenny one time {not hard!! just enough to make her catch her breath from the screaming she was doing!} and I've regretted it ever since. Jen's never ever forgotten it either! :/

Kim said...

You are so sweet! I enjoyed getting to see you too! And, you were probably talking to me about the DVD in the car... I am still against it but with two kids I am near conversion. lol

CL said...

Yeah, the dvd player was one of my big "I'm never.." statements too. But I broke down back in May when we had two big trips within a month of each other. Thomas has always SCREAMED in the car and to imagine 8 hours straight of that screaming..well...I'll gladly tuck my tail and admit that I was wrong about that "I'll never.." And it worked I'm telling ya. So for long trips I'm all for it now!

Kelly said...

There are too many. One of which is "Because I said so." I say it at least once a day...

Abbie said...

Oh girl..One of my big ones was "I will never go drive in the car just to get my child to sleep!" I ate my words a few weeks ago when Lily had her first cold and had not taken a good nap during the day for over a week. I burned 3 hours of gas just to get some peace in my ears. After about an hour of driving around, I parked in my driveway, left the car running and took a nap myself. It was the greatest afternoon ever! A few hours of quite was worth much more than it cost me to run my car for 3 hours.

Glad I found your blog. Keep in touch! Helen is precious.