Tuesday, March 18, 2008

After napping, photo shoot

Helen woke from her nap this afternoon and she was playing peek-a-boo in between the smallest slats of her crib and rested her little lip on the ledge. I thought it was THE cutest little pose. This was actually the second time she did it....I had to make her do it again because I didn't have the camera the first time....

This one just made me laugh out loud when I saw it. It's as if I had just told her she was about to get chocolate for lunch....



Nancy Hood said...

How can one NOT love this child?! Pictures of her always bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Thank you for sharing them with us, Kristy!

Kelly said...

Yes you can use pic w/my permission. Just link to me I guess. Love the pix of Helen.

Nancy Hood said...

I love the word of the day addition!!

Chad said...

Bahahahaha. I thought the second picture was a doll at first.

Haley said...

Chocolate for lunch.... I thought u told her she could have it for the rest of her life! This wide eyed photo cracks me up!