Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Go Paint

The Easter Bunny came to visit Helen a little early this year (via UPS). We got this in the mail yeseterday afternoon. It's a really cool invention by Elmer's brand called Go Paint. It's a lot like those Aquadoodle things.

Helen had a fun time playing with the paint brushes; she didn't really undestand the whole painting thing, especially when it took a few seconds to show up.

She really liked to put the paint brushes in her mouth and it took several loud stern "NO"s before she understood that I meant it!

Yes, Helen, I really did say no....

By this point, she'd taken all the tops off the brushes, painted with most of them, threw them all over the place and was finished. If she had had the words, this would have been where she would have said "I'm spent..."

The finished octopus painting, by Helen Gray.


Haley said...

Got to love it! Looking at these pics makes me more and more excited about seeing you guys this weekend!

Nancy Hood said...

again, it made me laugh!

Chad said...

Good job Helen.

Teale said...

Awesome! I would have had to taste them myself to see what all the fuss was about... :)

Trudy Ingram said...

Your little artist gets cuter and cuter every day!